Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I told you many times how fond of photography I am… and I can stay quiet and silent for hours to take the perfect picture. I learnt photography with a Leica, so at that time, you couldn’t delete the photo, Photoshop it or correct it automatically with your digital camera. The camera focus and parameters were your vision, your way of thinking and your learning in data. So, even if I do use a digital camera nowadays, I don’t use automatic data, I am still in manual using and I just want to control that myself.
Because the digital automatic looks for the best photo, the flawless photo, I don’t ! I learnt that somehow the flaws are the best in life. So, many of my photos might be a bit flawed but they are not Photoshopped ! I don’t use that. I am not trying to twist the reality. If my photo is not that good, it is not that good.
As for this photo with those 2 lovely caterpillars, I followed them both for about 2 hours on the walnut tree in our garden. Yes, 2 hours ! Everyone in the house were yelling “Izzy, lunch time for God’s Sake !”… but I wanted to shoot my caterpillars first ! They were great models.
Then the miracle happened. They did exactly what I was expecting.  Aren’t they lovely ?

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